I'm making a short animation for Pico day which is taking place on 30th this sunday. The script is pretty minimal and I'm not looking for somebody professional, but just somebody with a good microphone who is interested and could help me out. I'm in a bit of a hurry so it would be great if I could get my lines back by friday or saturday.
There are 2 male and 1 female characters (Pico, Nene and Dad from dad 'n me). The story is about Pico who is in a married to Nene. The relationship is draining life from Pico and Dad comes to comfort him in rough times.
All characters are in their early thirties. Nene almost always sounds uninterested, Pico is pretty passive and shy and Dad is confident and enthusiastic.
If you would like to help leave a comment or PM me. Thanks!
I could read some lines for ya